Visual Arts Festival Damascus 2013 @ Depo, Istanbul
da AAS-SSB | 12/06/2013 | Art Galleries | 0 commenti
Please find here after the latest exhibition prepared by our friend Salah Saouli, exhibition that will take place in Istanbul and will run until July 14.
Dear friends and colleagues, since its launch in Damascus in 2010, the Visual Arts Festival Damascus has aimed at presenting a platform for exchange and discussion for young artists of the Arab countries, particularly Syria and beyond.
I would like to invite you to the opening of Visual Arts Festival Damascus 2013 on Friday, June 14. at 7 pm at the contemporary art space Depo, Istanbul.
The festival will open with an exhibition, screenings, a roundtable and a workshop during the weekend of June 14 – 16. The exhibition will run until July 14.
I will present the Installation: “The Days of the Blue Bat“, 2013
The festival is curated by Charlotte Bank and Delphine Leccas.
Please find attached the invitation. I am looking forward to seeing you in Istanbul.
For more information: http://www.delphineleccas.org/section442397_553498.html
Best regards,
Salah Saouli