My sister was killed by terrorists. But I won’t give up on peace…
Carissimi tutti, vi invio ora l’articolo scovato sul quotidiano ha’ARETZ di ieri (01/05/2017) che documenta una (+ di una) storia convergente. Al dilà dei tentativi dei politici senza scrupoli (che hanno a disposizione e manipolano i mass-media) esistono dei gruppi misti, Israeliani e Palestinesi, che lottano per la pace.
E tra di loro ci sono persone che hanno avuto i loro cari uccisi anche in seguito alle decisioni sbagliate/criminali dei politici.
Ecco qui di seguito l’inizio dell’articolo, articolo che potete leggere al completo andando direttamente sul sito del quotidiano ha’Aretz, link subito dopo lo spezzone dell’articolo.
My sister was killed by terrorists. But I won’t give up on peace…
Yigal Elhanan – May 01, 2017 – HAARETZ NEWS –
20 years ago, Smadar was murdered in a suicide bombing in Jerusalem. But I refuse to let Israel’s government make political capital out of her death, and the deaths of all the Israeli and Palestinian victims of this conflict.
Last week, video clips and reports flooded the Internet in Israel covering the Knesset committee debate on the last war in Gaza, known to the Israeli public as Operation Protective Edge. The war saw the loss of 73 Israelis, most of whom were soldiers, and 2,200 Palestinians. During the debate, bereaved families raised cries of pain against the Prime Minister and his minions regarding the state’s mishandling of the war, and its problematic management by the political echelon.
For a week, I have been haunted by the tears and severe words of Leah Goldin, mother of Lt. Hadar Goldin, a soldier whose remains are still held by Hamas in Gaza. Clearly, determinedly, and out of a pain that I do not wish on anyone, Mrs. Goldin laid out her accusations, declaring her fight. She addressed PM Netanyahu directly, telling him that he had turned the bereaved families into “enemies of the people… You have turned the problem of the boys [who weren’t brought home] into the problem of the families,” rather than the responsibility of the government, she said.
Leah Goldin’s fight is my fight, and that of many others – too many.
Firstly, I must state: I am not writing on behalf of, or with the blessings of, Mrs. Goldin; nor am I sure she would agree with the conclusion I reached from her words. But she affected me deeply: not least because those who have known bereavement, who have not looked it in the eye and seen the deep abyss born of the loss of a loved one, can without any effort understand Leah Goldin’s cry – and mine.
On 4th September 1997, my sister Smadar was murdered in a suicide bombing on the Ben Yehuda Street mall in Jerusalem. That day, a Thursday afternoon, never leaves me or my family. After our tragedy, my family became politically active in the Israeli-Palestinian Family Forum; and ten years later my brother was a founding member of Combatants for Peace, an Israeli-Palestinian movement of men and women who had participated in the combatant cycle, and who now fight together for peace.
On 16 January 2007, 10-year-old Abir Aramin was shot in the head by a Border Police officer in Anata, Jerusalem. Abir was the daughter of Combatants for Peace founding member Basaam Aramin, and the younger sister of my partner on this journey, Arab Aramin. After Abir was shot — and before she was declared dead — my father and I and many other members of the Family Forum and CfP accompanied the Aramin family, staying by their side at Hadassah Hospital in Ein Karem.
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Sorgente: My sister was killed by terrorists. But I won’t give up on peace