Leahy Timothy Father

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Purtroppo il nostro Father Leahy è partito per altri lidi il giorno 24/4/2008 nella sua Irlanda natale.
Un saluto molto caro e amichevole da parte nostra a tutti coloro che se ne sono purtroppo già “iti”…
Father TIMOTHY LEAHY passed away the 24/4/2008 in Ireland
Please find hereafter a few testimonies remembering Father Leahy, not many but quite touching as they are from students of different religions (Muslim, Bouddhist, and Christian) and that is beautiful in its self.
François Sargologo
Thank you Francois for passing on the information to us about Fr. Leahy. I was glad to hear that he was still alive up to this point and then sad to hear about his passing. I remember him with fondness. He was a good priest and caring. I served as his altar boy on many occassions.
Philip Catalan
Hello to all. It was truly sad news about father Leahy. May he rest in peace and watch over all his students.
Father Leahy was a kind man who took the time to listen to you. He was charming and funny. Now he is with God resting in peace and joy.
God Bless
Noella Maske
Our Father in heaven blessed us with Fr. Timoth Leahy, may our Father in Heaven grant him abode in heaven forever. I have kind memories of Fr. Leahy going around slapping the palm of his hand with a journal, saying “now boys, boys, boys!” He was an excellent teacher and administrator.
Thank you for informing us of his passing. He is in our prayers.
Mekal K. Faruki
I’m so sorry to hear about Fr. Leahy’s passing…..wish we could have found him sooner! I remember him fondly ……I especially remember his smile – and his nixing the brief cheer leading phase we went through! ha! He was probably right….short-shorts and sleeveless shirts would have been too much for the boys….wow….that memory just surfaced and I have to smile! Thanks Fr. Leahy….may you rest in peace.
Debbie (Baldwin) Payne
Dear Salesian Buddies,
Very sorry to hear about Father Leahy’s passing away.
He was a very nice man and extremely caring towards everyone.
In his passing away, I guess we have lost one big link to the Salesian Family.
His words “Now,Now Children….” when trying to control a group of unruly kids, are still ingrained in my memory even after three decades ! Speaks volumes for the man.
May his soul rest in peace.
Warm regards,
Dear All: Deeply saddened to learn about Father Leahy’s death. He was a deeply caring and a gentle man of God. He was a soft spoken and loving individual. He will continue to inspire generations to come.We were so close to connecting with him through the Salesian group.What a tragic loss. May God continue to guide him and us.
God Bless
- Bedon Sante Don
- Biasioli Silvio Don
- Buratti Luciano Don
- Caputa Gianni Don
- Carboni Lucio Don
- Carlesso Guglielmo Don
- Casagrande F. Don
- Cozzolino Ciro Don
- Daccache Abuna Youssef
- Doveri Piero Don
- Faoro Quinto Don
- Filiè Giulio Don
- Forti Ernesto Don
- Giraudo Costanzo Don
- La Leta Temistocle Don
- Leahy Timothy Father
- Libralato Severino Don
- Masedu Nicola Don
- Morazzani Guglielmo Don
- Moroni Carlo Don
- Morra Michelangelo Don
- Ottone Lino Don
- Paoloni Aldo Don
- Pican Pierre Mons.
- Praduroux Emilio Don
- Rassiga Giuseppe Don
- Risatti Giuseppe Don
- Saggiotto Lorenzo Don
- Scudu Antonio Don
- Vassallo Paolo Don
- Zannini Francesco Don