Father TIMOTHY LEAHY passed away the 24/4/2008 in Ireland
Please find hereafter a few testimonies remembering Father Leahy, not many but quite touching as they are from students of different religions (Muslim, Bouddhist, and Christian) and that is beautiful in its self.
François Sargologo
Thank you Francois for passing on the information to us about Fr. Leahy. I was glad to hear that he was still alive up to this point and then sad to hear about his passing. I remember him with fondness. He was a good priest and caring. I served as his altar boy on many occassions.
Philip Catalan
Hello to all. It was truly sad news about father Leahy. May he rest in peace and watch over all his students.
Father Leahy was a kind man who took the time to listen to you. He was charming and funny. Now he is with God resting in peace and joy.
God Bless
Noella Maske
Our Father in heaven blessed us with Fr. Timoth Leahy, may our Father in Heaven grant him abode in heaven forever. I have kind memories of Fr. Leahy going around slapping the palm of his hand with a journal, saying “now boys, boys, boys!” He was an excellent teacher and administrator.
Thank you for informing us of his passing. He is in our prayers.
Mekal K. Faruki
I’m so sorry to hear about Fr. Leahy’s passing…..wish we could have found him sooner! I remember him fondly ……I especially remember his smile – and his nixing the brief cheer leading phase we went through! ha! He was probably right….short-shorts and sleeveless shirts would have been too much for the boys….wow….that memory just surfaced and I have to smile! Thanks Fr. Leahy….may you rest in peace.
Debbie (Baldwin) Payne
Dear Salesian Buddies,
Very sorry to hear about Father Leahy’s passing away.
He was a very nice man and extremely caring towards everyone.
In his passing away, I guess we have lost one big link to the Salesian Family.
His words “Now,Now Children….” when trying to control a group of unruly kids, are still ingrained in my memory even after three decades ! Speaks volumes for the man.
May his soul rest in peace.
Warm regards,
Dear All: Deeply saddened to learn about Father Leahy’s death. He was a deeply caring and a gentle man of God. He was a soft spoken and loving individual. He will continue to inspire generations to come.We were so close to connecting with him through the Salesian group.What a tragic loss. May God continue to guide him and us.
God Bless

I went to this school and remember father Leahy . I attended for two years as my father was an electrician working on the Gandour factory in Choufate and we were living in Hambra Street . I have fantastic memories of my time there especially being in a class with Swedish twins, Americans , and every other nationality imaginable . I am British and has two brothers at the school at the same time
I remember Father Leahy during my 2 years there from summer of 1965 to 1967. He was always shy and quiet.
I don’t remember what he taught us. Brother Dell attempted to teach us French, Father Bias taught Bible History, but I can not remember if Montgomery or Leahy taught us Chemistry/Physics or Math. It’s been 50 years.
Sad. I remember well, vivid fleeting moments. The Room, The hall ways. The windows. I can picture in my mind the “big” desk in the front….the playground…..It is extremely painful and beautiful at the same time……I remember my desk and to the right of me sat the Canadian Ambassador’s son, Andrew. He had such a nice goofy smile……I really miss those days…….
I went to Salesian’s in 1975. I was in the European section of the school. There were a lot of American, Dutch and Canadian students.
I loved going to Salesian’s. That school was wonderful. I learned so much. My favorite classes were art and music.
Out of everything, Father Leahy made a lasting impression on my life. He was my mentor as I’m sure he was to all us students. Over the years I never forgot him. I met several Salesian Preists in Europe and America over the years. I always asked them if they knew what happened to Father Leahy. That’s how much he meant to me. Even though it’s been so many years. He was such a profound influence on my Catholic life.
May Our Lord Jesus Christ Bless him.
I loved Father Leahy for his jovilaity and kindness.I remember how he protected me from bullies in my grade 2 & 3. I was a pupil duri the years 1972 and 1973.
Does anyone know how I can find Helen Scutope and Hawula Ma who studied with me the same years.I would love to reconnect .I kive in Dubai and work as a teacher
I used to study at Salesian SCHOOL St.DOMINIC SAVIO from 1972 untl 1975 when my parents were working as journalists at the time for the largest news agency in Bulgaria. I was just nearing the end of third grade in 1975 when the war troubles were starting. Events turned for the worst by 1975 with the troubles incapacitating the normal daily school environment. I remember that the school was closed for days and days on end. AT THAT TIME I REMEMBER THE WOMDERFUL FATHER LEAHY. h
ITS SAD TO LEARN ABOUT fATHER LEAHY,S DEATH,May hos soul rest in peace ,I recollect him being a very kind and helpfull person during my schooldys at salesian school beriut.
I was at the school from 1967 to 1969. I was only 7 years old when I first attended, but I remember a very nice priest but don’t remember if it was Father Leahy. The name is very familiar though. After returning to the states it was, and still is very difficult to explain to people my experience there. I’m happy to find others from the school, and hopefully I will find others from the same time I was there.
When I view the current priest scandals in some churches – I am shocked. I worked with priests in other countries. They were men of God! They had an aura of Godliness about them. They inspired reverence. May God bless all of them. What happened to our world? Look at Father Leahy’s Life – an emblem of piety, hope and decorum. A role model for all generations. Those are the people we need to emulate. May Father Leahy’s soul rest in peace. A job well done – a Life well led! Thank TYou – Father!
Love – Kal
Father Leahy was an extremely kind person who was always there for us. My mother told me of several meetings she had with him when we were excepted into the school. Since my brother and I could not speak English he provided my Mom with books for tutoring at home. He was always encouraging carrying a benevolent energy that was a key part of the school in my memories.
He is now surely resting peacefully in a better place.
You know why guys like Fr. Leahy decide to be Priests is beyond me… I mean it may just be me but i think this was a really good looking guy. Am I wrong??? Now I could tell you what Wendy Mullis said about him but i never really believed it although one aspect of the makes it sound believable i just chalked it up to one kinda crazy girls imagination but not here where were remembering him. And i never believed it anyway.
What i do remember of him is that i was sent to him to be punished i think by Mrs. Kashtakian?? sp name??? We eventually drove her to a nervous breakdown. I can remember it like it was yesterday. She was actually getting into an arguement about the class about how she was running it… you never let 5th graders get the initiative… or was this 2nd grade i dont remember… Actually i think it was 68 2nd grade we were in that room right next to the office. And someone said she was mean… one of the girls. Well she got into kind of a mad rage and was saying something about showing us what mean was really like and a little later she just started crying and finally left and we never saw her again. Sad really. I guess we really didnt like her but i think things like that are just silly. I doubt she was mean at all. And i think i would be great friends with her as an adult and eventually if shed just stuck it out… any way i was put in that little room with a window but it seemed pretty covered over it was the supply room on our floor and Fr. L was sent to punish me well he didnt… he didnt ever really talk to me. Just listened to what i said and sent me back to class.
While nothing sticks out in my mind im sure if i heard others stories who were in my class or maybe even a few older brothers and sisters like Wendy Mullis and Mark Ludlow who were older siblings of Tanya and Nicky that a lot would come back… me and Tanya were kind of an item for a while there. And Bro Dell didnt seem the least surprised to see me put the moves as everyone who went up on the overnight no doubt remember on Caroline… i want to say Wallace but I think thats the name of a Caroline i knew later. She was british. I remember all these kids but theyre lost on the net for some reason.. If anyone can remember any of them of me id like to know about it.
Any way sorry to get off topic.. Anyway i spent a lot of time wi father Leahy, some things stick out an easter egg hunt on the way back from Farya, a play i had a small part in etc but what i do remember is he and bro dell were wonderfull and I think if i had to put myself in any two peoples hands id rather it be them than anyone. And that is just a left over feeling that comes from a long lost experience.
Father Leahy was extremely nice to me and everyone else. I was in the Anglo-American section but one of the few boarding students there and since I was very young -don’t remember everything and everyone. But I do rememeber Father Leahy as a very very nice person-when I speak about Salesian school I always tell Giovanni Marradi-my childhood friend- remember Father Leahy -what a great guy he was-to which Giovanni agrees.
Giovanni too will be saddened by his passing.
I am extremely saddened about his death and wish I would have been able to see him. My condolences to his friends and relatives.
Ralph Cotran