Dr. Chaouki Ahmad Ghamlouche : un ex-allievo alla ribalta

Un nostro ex-commilitone é un cliente fisso di un programma della televisione di Dubai, dove discute di medicina in generale dal vivo e in arabo…

da | 14/12/2009 | VITA A SCUOLA | 0 commenti

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Qualche giorno (siamo nel dicembre 2009…) fa, abbiamo ricevuto il messaggio mail seguente da parte di Youssef Saouli, messaggio che vi trascriviamo qui di seguito.


Er Webmaster..., SSB

My Dears, please watch on thursday Dec 10 Dr Chaouki Ghamlouche on Dubai TV at 9.10 AM Dubai local time, 7.10 Beirut time right after the news, Dr Chaouki has been hosted by the ministry of Health to give medical advise, regards Youssef Saouli.

Subito e d’istinto abbiamo ripsosto al nostro Saouli domandandogli alcuni ragguagli in merito ed il giorno dopo abbiamo ricevuto il messaggio seguente :

Hi Diego. It is my pleasure to introduce myself as an x-member of the salesian school center (Don Bosco) in Beirut Lebanon.
I am a physician in Medicine and practicing in the UAE – Dubai, after being in Italy – Parma & Verona , then I moved to Lebanon , Saudi Arabia and now here in Dubai. I am also the Physician of the Italian Community in UAE authorised from the ministry of foreign affairs in Rome. For more information you can go through the website of the Italian consulate and embassy in UAE.
Other activity , I am on Dubai TV every Thursday from 9:00 – 9:30 Am regarding medical topics discussed on Air in Arabic language

Molto sopresi e nonché contenti della risposta ricevuta, abbiamo fatto alcune ricerche in merito e abbiamo trovato quanto segue a proposito del dottor Ghamlouche :

Dr. Chaouki Ahmad Ghamlouche

Dr. Chaouki has over 15 years of clinical experience as a family physician. He is a graduate of General Medicine from the University of Verona, Italy.

His experience includes his residency at the Rasori Hospital in Italy in the cardio pulmonary disease department & the neurosurgical department. Dr. Chaouki moved to Saudi Arabia in 1997 and was senior resident in the department of Internal Medicine at Khin Khaled Military City. His experience in the UAE spans some of the major private and public hospital including the Tawam Hospital in Alain, UAE.
He also took part in Triage Committee, Quality management, Educational and Training Activities of the Department that is Basic life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support (ACLS), Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and participated in transfer of patients overseas for Medical procedures (USA, Europe, and Middle East).
His expertise includes acute and emergency medicine, chronic diseases, toxicology, and several invasive procedures.

Quindi ricordatevi che un nostro ex-commilitone é un cliente fisso di un programma della televisione di Dubai, tutti i giovedì dalle 09:00 alle 09:30 AM ora locale di Dubai, dove discute di medicina in generale dal vivo e in arabo!

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