Hi Everyone, here are the pics I have… gotta run….. my oldest daughter is due to have a baby today! Our first Grand daughter….Sophie !!!
I am not sure when these were taken…probably 1960 ? Jerry has a striped neck tie on and I am to his right….big darker head! haha!
I was at Salesian between 58 and 61 if my memory serves me right.
Take care – Chris Khayat ( Vancouver Canada)
Hi Fred Verhaak,
What a surprise to find you as I scrolled though this site. So many questions. Where are you…..etc?
I went to France and stayed there till 1995. I am now back in Australia. Karla is a lawyer in Ssn Francisco married to an American and Karen is in Australia married to an Australian.
Love to hear from you.
Yvonne Jarman
Hi Robert,
You can get hold of me through LinkedIn. Check for Wilfred Verhaak.
HEllo Freddy
next to you in the picture minstrel of death
remember your older brother edo
“thumbs up” for you
like to connect when you can
have many pictures and boxed gazette school papers
have picture to send of you in the play as pageboy dancing!
like to connect with freddy
have wondered over years where all went
I just came across this site and can’t believe my eyes. After all these years, the school is still there. Was at the school from 1960 to 1963. Then came back as a art teacher in 1970 and Vice Principal in 1972-73 after Fred Derany left. Also involved with the Boy Scout Troop.
Lots of hair in those days. Saw photos that I had forgotten about and great to see the teachers and school kids. Brings back so many memories.
That Cover for the 1972 Yearbook was my artwork. Still have the original.
And who can forget the Minstrel of Death. I’m on the front row, next to Roger Khayat on the left.
Wish everyone all the best and will keep in touch.
Fred Verhaak