da | 15/09/2022 | AAS BLOG | 1 commento

Anni fa, negli anni ’90 quando il Libano era in po’ in «Rinascimento» dopo la fine della guerra, avevo pensato di organizzare una corsetta/jogging da Saida a Tiro e poi da li’ a Qana (tutta in salita) ma senza troppo successo a causa delle troppe milizie che eran sul luogo…poi più tardi ho saputo che esisteva il Beirut Marathon in novembre (chissa’ se lo faran quest’anno).
Io corro da anni, a Beirut mi alzavo alle 5:45 am e alle 6.15 ero già in pista all’AUB, dove correvo fino alle 7:30 per poi cominciare i corsi alle 8.00.
Adesso metto la sveglia (o no) però la corsetta ci vuole per tanti motivi.
Allora se ci son altri corridori, facciam un bel club e contiamo il totale dei km alla fine dell’anno.

Cosa ne dite?


Er Globetrotter..., SSB

Dear AUB alumni, the AUB4Beirut Run is this weekend, September 16-18, 2022, but there is still plenty of time – and ways – to participate!

Thanks to all the chapters, groups, and individuals who have organized AUB4Beirut runs around the world. Check out the map below to see if there is an event happening in your area.

We encourage you to join one of these events, support the selected AUB initiative, and help the chapter or group crowdfund. Check out the current list of runs at this link.

 Can’t attend an event this year, but still want to make an impact? Please consider making a donation to support one of the runs that are being organized and the group’s selected AUB initiative. This has been – and continues to be – a difficult period for everyone in Lebanon. AUB is at the forefront of efforts to support the people of Lebanon providing education, caring for patients at its world-class hospital, and through its work in the community.

No run in your area, or just want to participate alone? Choose an activity and distance that works best for you and do it at any point this weekend. Instead of crowdfunding, we ask only that those of you who are participating from outside Lebanon make a donation of at least $20 and promote your participation on social media. Complete this form to register.

However you choose to participate in the AUB4Beirut Run, we ask that you spread the word – both in advance and during the weekend of September 16-18. Take photos, videos, screenshots of your routes, and post them on social media. Tag one of the AUB Alumni social media handles and use the hashtag #AUB4BeirutRun. We will provide all participants with an AUB4Beirut Run bib to print out and wear if you choose. If you have any AUB or Lebanon gear, wear it proudly this weekend.

Ready. Set. Go!

Best wishes – and thank you,

AUB Office of Alumni Relations


Paola Roncaglia sent this and we publish it without any introduction, no need to…